A while ago on p5p there was some discussion of writing a 'shellpipe'
routine that would allow you to do subprocess management using
a sh-like interface.

Below is a start at it I'm tentatively calling IPC::BashEm.  Suggestions
for better names appreciated.

- Barrie

package IPC::BashEm ;

# Copyright (c) 1999 by Barrie Slaymaker, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
# License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.

=head1 NAME

IPC::BashEm - bash (bourne again shell) command line emulation


   use IPC::BashEm ;

   ## Read from / write to scalars
   bashem( 'cat', '<', \$stdin, '>', \$stdout, '2>', \$stderr ) ;

   ## Read from / write using subroutine handlers
      '<',  \&get_some_in,
      '>',  \&catch_some_out,
      '2>', \&catch_some_err
   ) ;


Provides limited support for bash shell command line redirection constructs.

=head2 Supported constructs


=item <ARG, N<ARG

Redirects input the child reads on file descriptor N to come from a
scalar variable, subroutine, file handle, or file name.

N may only be 0 (stdin) and defaults to 0 if not present.

ARG may be a reference to a scalar or a subroutine.  For instance:

   bashem( 'ls', '<', sub { my $r = $in ; $in = undef ; $r } ) ;

does the same basic thing as:

   bashem( 'ls', '<', \$in ) ;

The subroutine should return undef when there is no more input to be
fed to the child.

Redirecting input from a file is not yet implemented.

=item >ARG, N>ARG

Redirects any output the child emits via file descriptor N
to a scalar variable, subroutine, file handle, or file name.

N may be 1 (stdout), or 2 (stderr).  If not provided, N defaults to 1.

ARG may be a reference to a scalar or a subroutine.  For instance:

   bashem( 'ls', '2>', sub { $err_out .= $_[0] } ) ;

does the same basic thing as:

   bashem( 'ls', '2>', \$err_out ) ;

Redirecting output to a file is not yet implemented.

The subroutine will be called each time some data is read from the child.



Returns the result of the last command in chain, as returned by waitpid().

This will not be true when a non-blocking option is added and used.


Very incomplete, still growing.

No support for ';', '&', '|', '{ ... }', etc: only one subprocess is
supported yet.

No non-blocking mode.


use strict ;
use Exporter ;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT $debug ) ;

$VERSION = '0.001' ;

@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;

## We use @EXPORT for the end user's convenience: there's only one function
## exported, it's homonymous with the module, it's an unusual name, and
## it can be suppressed by "use IPC::BashEm () ;".

@EXPORT = qw( bashem ) ;

use Carp ;
use Errno qw( EAGAIN ) ;
use File::Spec ;
use FileHandle ;
use IPC::Open3 ;
use UNIVERSAL qw( isa ) ;


my %cmd_cache ;

sub debug {
   return unless $debug ;
   print STDERR 'bashem: ', @_, "\n" ;

sub _search_path($) {
   my ( $cmd_name ) = @_ ;
   return $cmd_name if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $cmd_name ) ;
   return $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} if exists $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} ;

   my @searched_in ;

   unless ( exists $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} ) {
      ## This next bit is Unix specific, unfortunately.
      ## There's been some conversation about extending File::Spec to provide
      ## a universal interface to PATH, but I haven't seen it yet.
      for ( split( /:/, $ENV{PATH}, -1 ) ) {
         $_ = "." unless length $_ ;
         push @searched_in, $_ ;
         my $prospect = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $cmd_name ) ;
         if ( -x $prospect ) {
            $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} = $prospect ;
            debug( 'found ', $prospect ) ;
            last ;
   return $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} if exists $cmd_cache{$cmd_name} ;

   croak "Command '$cmd_name' not found in " . join( ", ", @searched_in ) ;

sub empty($) { ! defined $_[0] && length $_[0] }

sub _parse {
   my @errs ;
   my @out ;
   ## The UNSUPPORTED => 1 ops are not fatal, since we want to test the
   ## grammar.  _setup catches them and turns them fatal.
   while ( @_ ) { for ( shift ) {
      eval {
         ## Do >&, <& first so that 
         if ( /^(\d+)>&(\d+)$/ ) {
            push @out, {
               UNSUPPORTED => 1,
               TYPE        => '>&',
               KFD1        => $1,
               KFD2        => $2,
            } ;
         elsif ( /^(\d+)<&(\d+)$/ ) {
            push @out, {
               UNSUPPORTED => 1,
               TYPE        => '<&',
               KFD1        => $1,
               KFD2        => $2,
            } ;
         elsif ( /^(?:>&|&>)(.*)$/ ) {
            my $dest = length $1 ? $1 : shift ;
            die "'$_' missing a destination\n" if empty $dest ;
            push @out, {
               UNSUPPORTED => 1,
               TYPE        => '>2>&1',
               DEST        => $dest,
               MODE        => 'trunc',
            } ;
         elsif ( /^(\d*)<(.*)$/ ) {
            my $source = length $2 ? $2 : shift ;
            die "'$_' missing a source\n" if empty $source;
            push @out, {
               TYPE   => '<',
               KFD    => length $1 ? $1 : 0,
               SOURCE => $source,
            } ;
         elsif ( /^(\d*)>(>?)(.*)$/ ) {
            my $dest = length $3 ? $3 : shift ;
            die "'$_' missing a destination\n" if empty $dest ;
            push @out, {
               TYPE => '>',
               KFD  => length $1 ? $1 : 1,
               MODE => $2 eq '>' ? 'append' : 'trunc',
               DEST => $dest,
         else {
            push @out, {
               TYPE => 'cmd',
               NAME => $_,
            } ;
      } ;
      push @errs, $@ if $@ ;
   } }
   croak join( '', @errs ) if @errs ;
   return @out ;

sub _w_scalar {
   ## This is the callback that gets used when a scalar value needs to be
   ## written to a file handle.
   my ( $w, $s ) = @_ ;

   my $c = syswrite( $w->{FH}, $$s ) ;
   die "$! writing to kid's file $w->{KFD}\n" unless defined $c ;

   debug( "wrote $c to $w->{FD} (kid's $w->{KFD})" ) ;

   return 0 if $c = length $$s ;

   $$s = substr( $$s, $c ) ;
   return 1 ;

sub _r_scalar {
   ## This is the callback that gets used when a scalar value needs to be
   ## written to a file handle.
   my ( $r, $s ) = @_ ;

   my $in ;
   my $c = sysread( $r->{FH}, $in, 16384 ) ;
   die "$! reading from kid's file $r->{KFD}\n" unless defined $c ;

   debug( "read $c from $r->{FD} (kid's $_->{KFD})" ) ;

   $$s .= $in if $c > 0 ;

   return $c ;

sub _w_sub {
   ## This is the callback that gets used when a sub value needs to be
   ## called to get the data to write to a file handle.
   my ( $w, $sub ) = @_ ;

   unless ( length $w->{OUT} ) {
      $w->{OUT} = $sub->() ;
      return 0 unless defined $w->{OUT} ;

   my $c = syswrite( $w->{FH}, $w->{OUT} ) ;
   die "$! writing to kid's file $w->{KFD}\n" unless defined $c ;

   debug( "wrote $c to $w->{FD} (kid's $w->{KFD})" ) ;

   $w->{OUT} = substr( $w->{OUT}, $c ) ;
   return 1 ;

sub _r_sub {
   ## This is the callback that gets used when a scalar value needs to be
   ## written to a file handle.
   my ( $r, $sub ) = @_ ;

   my $in ;
   my $c = sysread( $r->{FH}, $in, 16384 ) ;
   die "$! reading from kid's file $r->{KFD}\n" unless defined $c ;

   debug( "read $c from $r->{FD} (kid's $_->{KFD})" ) ;

   $sub->( $in ) if $c > 0 ;

   return $c ;

sub _setup {
   my @kids ;    ## future child processes
   my $cur_kid ; ##
   my @errs ;

   @_ = &_parse ;
   while ( @_ ) {
      eval {
         for ( shift ) {
            die "$_->{TYPE}' not supported yet\n" if $_->{UNSUPPORTED} ;

            if ( $_->{TYPE} eq '<' ) {
               ## N< input redirection
               die "No command before '$_'\n" unless defined $cur_kid ;

               ## TODO: Lots of error checking here.
               for my $source ( $_->{SOURCE} ) {
                  if ( ! ref $source ) {
                     die "<file not supported yet\n" ;
#                    my $fd = FileHandle->new() ;
#                    sysopen( $fd, $_->{SOURCE}, 
                  elsif ( isa( $source, 'SCALAR' ) ) {
                     debug( "kid writing $_->{KFD} to SCALAR" ) ;
                     $_->{FH}  = FileHandle->new() ;
                     ## Copy of the source data so as not to destroy it.
                     my $s = $$source ;
                     $_->{SUB} = sub { _w_scalar( $_, \$s ) } ;
                  elsif ( isa( $source, 'CODE' ) ) {
                     debug( "kid writing $_->{KFD} to CODE" ) ;
                     $_->{FH}  = FileHandle->new() ;
                     ## Copy of the source data so as not to destroy it.
                     $_->{SUB} = sub { _w_sub( $_, $source ) } ;
                     $_->{OUT} = '' ;
               $cur_kid->{WS}->[$_->{KFD}] = $_ ;
            elsif ( $_->{TYPE} eq '>' ) {
               die "No command before '$_'\n" unless defined $cur_kid ;

               ## TODO: Lots of error checking here.
               for my $dest ( $_->{DEST} ) {
                  if ( ! ref $dest ) {
                     die ">file not supported yet\n" ;
#                    my $fd = FileHandle->new() ;
#                    sysopen( $fd, $_->{SOURCE}, 
                  elsif ( isa( $dest, 'SCALAR' ) ) {
                     debug( "kid reading $_->{KFD} from SCALAR" ) ;
                     $_->{FH}  = FileHandle->new() ;
                     $_->{SUB} = sub { _r_scalar( $_, $dest ) } ;
                  elsif ( isa( $dest, 'CODE' ) ) {
                     debug( "kid reading $_->{KFD} from CODE" ) ;
                     $_->{FH}  = FileHandle->new() ;
                     $_->{SUB} = sub { _r_sub( $_, $dest ) } ;
               $cur_kid->{RS}->[$_->{KFD}] = $_ ;
            elsif ( $_->{TYPE} eq 'cmd' ) {
               if ( ! defined $cur_kid ) {
                  $_->{PATH} = _search_path( $_->{NAME} ) ;
                  $_->{ARGS} = [] ;
                  $cur_kid = $_ ;
                  push @kids, $cur_kid ;
               else {
                  push @{$cur_kid->{ARGS}}, $_->{CMD} ;
      } ;
      push @errs, $@ if $@ ;
   croak join( '', @errs ) if @errs ;

   return \@kids ;

sub _open($) {
   my ( $kids ) = @_ ;

   my $win = '' ;
   my $rin = '' ;
   my $ein = '' ;
   my @files ;

   my @errs ;

   for my $kid ( @$kids ) {
      eval {
         my ( $inh, $outh, $errh ) =  (
         ) ;
         ## TODO: <&STDIN closes our STDIN, probably should dup it and reopen
         ## it after we waitpid().
         $inh  = "<&STDIN"   unless defined $inh ;
         $outh = ">&STDOUT" unless defined $outh ;
         $errh = ">&STDERR" unless defined $errh ;

         $kid->{PID} =
            open3( $inh, $outh, $errh, $kid->{PATH}, @{$kid->{ARGS}} ) ;

         for ( @{$kid->{WS}} ) {
            next if ! defined $_ || ! defined $_->{FH} || $_->{AUTO} ;
            $_->{FD} = fileno( $_->{FH} ) ;
            debug( "kid's $_->{KFD} is my $_->{FD}" ) ;
            die "Already writing file $_->{FD}\n" if vec( $win, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ;
            die "Can't read and write file $_->{FD}\n"
               if vec( $rin, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ;
            vec( $win, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 1 ;
            vec( $ein, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 1 ;
            $files[$_->{FD}] = $_ ;
         for ( @{$kid->{RS}} ) {
            next if ! defined $_ || ! defined $_->{FH} || $_->{AUTO} ;
            $_->{FD} = fileno( $_->{FH} ) ;
            debug( "kid's $_->{KFD} is my $_->{FD}" ) ;
            die "Already reading file $_->{FD}\n" if vec( $rin, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ;
            die "Can't read and write file $_->{FD}\n"
               if vec( $win, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ;
            vec( $rin, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 1 ;
            vec( $ein, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 1 ;
            $files[$_->{FD}] = $_ ;
      } ;
      push @errs, $@ if $@ ;

   croak join( '', @errs ) if @errs ;

   return ( \@files, $rin, $win, $ein ) ;

sub _select_loop {
   my ( $files, $rin, $win, $ein ) = @_ ;

   my $fd_count = grep { defined $_ } @$files ;
   debug( "$fd_count files" ) ;
   my $nfound ;
   my ( $rout, $wout, $eout ) ;
   while ( $fd_count ) {
      my $nfound = select( $rout = $rin, $wout = $win, $eout = $ein, undef ) ;
      croak "$! in select" if $nfound < 0 ;
      debug( "$nfound selected" ) ;
      for ( @$files ) {
         next unless defined $_ ;
         if ( vec( $rout, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ) {
            debug( "reading $_->{FD}" ) ;
            unless ( $_->{SUB}->() ) {
               debug( "closing $_->{FD} (kid's $_->{KFD})" ) ;
               vec( $rin, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 0 ;
               vec( $ein, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 0 ;
               close $_->{FH} ;
               $_->{FH} = undef ;
               --$fd_count ;
         if ( vec( $wout, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ) {
            debug( "writing $_->{FD}" ) ;
            unless ( $_->{SUB}->() ) {
               debug( "closing $_->{FD} (kid's $_->{KFD})" ) ;
               vec( $win, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 0 ;
               vec( $ein, $_->{FD}, 1 ) = 0 ;
               close $_->{FH} ;
               $_->{FH} = undef ;
               --$fd_count ;
         if ( vec( $eout, $_->{FD}, 1 ) ) {
            croak "Exception on file $_->{FD}" ;

sub _cleanup($$) {
   my ( $files, $kids ) = @_ ;
   for ( @$files ) {
      next unless defined $_ && defined $_->{FH} ;
      debug( 'closing ', $_->{FD}, " (kid's ", $_->{KFD}, ')' ) ;
      close $_->{FH} or carp "$! closing $_->{FD} (kid's $_->{KFD})" ;
   my $num = 0 ;
   for my $kid ( @$kids ) {
      debug( 'reaping child ', $num++, ' (pid ', $kid->{PID}, ')' ) ;
      my $pid = waitpid $kid->{PID}, 0 ;
      $kid->{RESULT} = $? ;
      debug( 'reaped ', $pid, ', $?=', $kid->{RESULT} ) ;

sub bashem {
   my $kids = &_setup ;
   my ( $files, $rin, $win, $ein ) ;

   eval {
      ( $files, $rin, $win, $ein ) = _open( $kids ) ;
      debug( "survived open()" ) ;
      _select_loop( $files, $rin, $win, $ein ) ;
   } ;
   my $a = $@ ;
   debug( "exception '$a'" ) if $a ;
   eval {
      _cleanup( $files, $kids ) ;
   } ;
   die $a if $a ;

   return $kids->[-1]->{RESULT} ;

=head1 AUTHOR

Barrie Slaymaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


1 ;

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