On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 10:50:50AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 02:20:04PM +0200, Andreas Koenig wrote:
> >   Please consult these archive before you post a module proposal. The
> >   fulltext search capabilities of the archive should help you to find
> >   similar suggestions and contact addresses. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is low
> >   volume, so your search in the archive is quite targetted. The module
> >   list maintainers themselves are mostly lurkers. You need not wait
> >   for a response. Generally a lack of response can be taken as
> >   acceptance of the module name being proposed.
>     I suggest one additional line:
>         If you want a quick response, be sure to ask if anybody actually
>         reads the list.  This is guaranteed to produce at least ten
>         responses in rapid suggestion (none of which will respond to your
>         proposal).

Does this actually work?

LOL  :-)

"May the best description of competition prevail."
          via, but not speaking for Deutsche Bank

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