This is the second sending of this message; I have not gotten response
back from the first.

I've recently created the first release of GnuPG::Interface, the successor
to my PGP::GPG::MessageProcessor, and am looking for approval.  I already
have an account on CPAN (FTOBIN).

Desired contribution: GnuPG::Interface


GnuPG::Interface is a heavily object-oriented interface to interacting
with the GNU Privacy Guard.  It also consists of a rich object-oriented
GnuPG key structure.

DLSI:   bdpO

44-char description:    OO interface to GNU Privacy Guard

I have discussed this module a little on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing
list, but have mainly received input based on its predecessor,
PGP::GPG::MessageProcessor.  GnuPG::Interface is also a central module for
another program of mine, pgpenvelope.

Thank you for your time in advance.

Frank Tobin   

"To learn what is good and what is to be valued,
those truths which cannot be shaken or changed."  Myst: The Book of Atrus

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