>>>>> On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 08:03:08 -0700, "Jim S." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> Question:
> I have dozens of modules I write for WWW::Search and would like
> my name space under WWW on CPAN where that is the most approiate
> location for me and users. How can I get listyed and my WWW::Search
> modlues stored there under WWW?
You might need to learn to work with case sensitive filesystems. If a
module's name is WWW::Search::AlltheWeb, then the file that contains
it, must be WWW/Search/AlltheWeb.pm, not alltheweb.pm.
Moreover, it would be a nice idea to use 'make dist' for constructing
the distribution file. In general it is good practise to untar a file
into its own directory and not into the current directory. 'make dist'
helps you to get that right.
I'm not sure if there are more problems with your packages, but these
two spring into my eyes.