> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ask Bjoern Hansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 7:14 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: new Apache:: module
> On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > greetings...
> > 
> > I have proposed the following to the mod_perl list and sent 
> an RFC - no
> > comments, good or bad...
> > 
> > just making sure everyone on this alias thinks the new 
> module appropriate
> > and well formed before it goes into CPAN...
> > 
> > below is the module in its entirety (it's short) - please 
> let me know if
> > this is appropriate for future work...
> [ cc'ed to the modperl list. Geoffreys original message is at
> http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2000-03/msg00
> 083.html ]

the code already exists under the Apache tree as Apache-Wrapper_0.02.tar.gz
(save the list the trip to the archives, which showed buggy code anyway :)

> To me it looks very specific for one application and not too 
> extensible.
> Also there already is three gazillion template systems doing similar
> things. I would think that some of them could be used (or 
> changed) to work
> like yours?

well, it is a content handler - it wasn't really designed to be extensible,
subclassable, whatever.  While there are lots of template systems out there,
I kinda thought this was a popular type of thing to do - uniform content
delivery.  Thus perhaps the need for a module so folks (especially the newer
ones) didn't have to figure out Mason, HTML::Template, or Text::Template to
do something simple.

I also thought that making it Apache::Filter was value-added.

but hey, none of this is novel stuff - if it doesn't belong on CPAN we can
remove it (I uploaded already)

> Anyway, if you upload it ::Wrapper doesn't really say much 
> about what it
> is doing. Apache::SimpleReplace or something would maybe be better.

I'm terrible with names - SimpleReplace works for me.  Based on the
response, I'll rename it (or we'll get rid of it :)
thanks for your input...


>  - ask
> -- 
> ask bjoern hansen - <http://www.netcetera.dk/~ask/>
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