I currently have those modules at PAUSE which I would like to have
officially registered:
Name DSLI Description Info
------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- -----
::CGITables adpO Easy DB access from a CGI TOBIX
This one is combining the power of Gerard Richters DBIx::Recordset and
Sam Tregars HTML::Template. I have a positive dialogue with both of them.
It's beeing used locally in a production-ready project, but not yet
deployed. I haven't written test scripts yet, but there is some examples
attached to it. It will still need quite some work, though, before it
will fulfill it's purpose.
Name DSLI Description Info
------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- -----
::Copy adpO Copying databases TOBIX
This one is for copying databases using the DBI interface. It's also
missing quite a lot of the planned functionallity, which includes
mirroring - it's ment to be a handy tool for temporary mirrors, like when
migrating from one DB to another or one system to another.
I've made a system subclassing this one for migrating from the Request
Tracker 1.0 to Request Tracker 2.0. It does work, but it will obviously
need a lot of brushing as RT 2.0 - including the database design - is work
in progress.
Name DSLI Description Info
------------- ---- -------------------------------------------- -----
ClientError bdpf Sends error messages to a web client TOBIX
This one is currently needed by DBIx::CGITables. I don't know if it's
useful at all. It just prints an error message.
Tobias Brox (alias TobiX) - +4722925871 - _urgent_ emails to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Check our upcoming MMORPG at
http://www.anarchy-online.com/ (Qt) and play multiplayer Spades,
Backgammon, Poker etc for free at http://www.funcom.com/ (Java)