It does need a better name, and description.

What does "Wrapper for DBI that generates SQL" actually mean?
You could post the docs here, that would help.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 08:29:32PM -0500, Andrew Turner wrote:
> Name:         Andrew Turner
> Email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> URL:
> Preferred ID: TURNER-A
> Planned contribution:
> Name           DSLI  Description
> -------------  ----  --------------------------------------------
> SQL::DBI       RmpO  Wrapper for DBI that generates SQL.
> It has been mentioned on one of the DBI lists (many months ago).  There was
> some interest (a couple of downloads).  (It may have been named Shashou
> then, I'm not sure.
> As for the naming, it is arbitrary to me, so if you think another would be
> better I'm very open to it.  I chose the SQL hierarchy as its primary
> function is to generate SQL, which seemed related to other modules there
> (like SQL::Parser).
> -- 
> Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - - Community Anime Reviews
> Membership de l'email: FES
> And the moral of this message is...
>      Kissing don't last, cookery do.
>               -- George Meredith

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