No reactions, almost[1]. Should that be taken that you all agree or that
you're just too busy to tell me that I'm way off. (Which I know I'm not
for once :-) )

[1] Jon wrote and said that he agree we should get all of this thing

How should we get on it? Get some specifications for what we want would be
a sensible start.

 - ask

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 14:45:30 -0800 (PST)
From: Ask Bjoern Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED] work

hi guys,

We need to rework something here, I'm sure we're missing quite a few
things to reply to, modules and users to be added and so on and so on.
Maybe it doesn't happen that often, but everytime we do I'm afraid there
is a pretty good chance we lose a contributer.

We should get the modulelist in CVS or such so more people can edit it
when Andreas is busy, and we should make some tracking system for ID
requests. Maybe having the users register at a webinterface so we just
have to press "approve" or such.

It would also scale much better by allowing more volunteers to help if we
streamline the procedures.

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen - <>
more than 70M impressions per day, <>

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