Hi there, I'd like to register as a CPAN developer. After reading your instructions, here are you requirements as asked: Name: Ken Barber Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Homepage: None Preferred Username: kbarber Description: A queing locking module for multiple hosts/processes. Allows multiple processes to make concurrent changes to files/whatever. Used mainly for NFS locking situations. Its not daemonic like IPC::Locker - so all you need is write permissions to a directory, which could be NFS mounted or otherwise. Supports timeouts. DSLI: bdpO < 44 character description: A queing locking system for use over NFS I currently work at an ISP and have found the lack of posix semantics over NFS plainly frustrating. Each script designed requires a pretty standard locking system, however I was unhappy with the fact it wasn't modularized. So I set out to modularize it :-). Along the way I realised we needed some way of having "Blocking Locks" and timeouts. Not wanting to do the job halfway, I added queing functionality and timeouts and this resulted in Multilock. This allows several (not just one or two) scripts to wait for a lock. With the timeout facility, we can also avoid blocks holding up processes :-). Since my workplace use Linux on all their servers (approx 20-25 servers) and use a lot of GNU and opensource applications (including a lot of Perl :-) it was decided that it is fair to put back a little of what we have taken out :-). I would like to submit some more work at a later date as my skills develop. ken@.