I need some advice on whether or not to rename a module of mine I have on

Currently, the module is named PGP::GPG::MessageProcessor (yes, I know
it's verbose, but I couldn't think of a better name for what it does).  
The module is an interface for the Gnu Privacy Guard.

I'm contemplating renaming the module to PGP::GnuPG::MessageProcessor, but
I'm unsure if this is wise.  The old name ("GPG" instead of "GnuPG")
reflects the name of the binary that GnuPG uses, but GnuPG is not really
called "GPG"; rather, it is referred to as "GnuPG".

Concerning the actual code inside the module, the interface is being
redesigned to a great degree (and wouldn't be backwards compatible), so
the next release wouldn't be *just* a renaming.  I consider the fact that
it won't be backwards compatible to be okay since it is still a 'beta'

I'm looking for advice on how to handle the situation, if I should stick
with the old name, or switch to the newer one.  I am aware I would not
really be renaming the modules currenty on CPAN, but changing the name of
the new releases of the module.  Thanks.

Oh, and one more question; from the beginning I (ignorantly) have been
using a 3-tier number versioning system for the module, unaware of the
code that checks 2-tier numbers (e.g., 'use').  I considered moving it
down back to a 2-tier numbering system, but given the fact that Perl is
moving to a 3-tier system, I thought 3-tier module versions might be
supported soon in the future.  Can I have some feedback on this?

Thank you for your time.

Frank Tobin             http://www.neverending.org/~ftobin/

"To learn what is good and what is to be valued,
those truths which cannot be shaken or changed."  Myst: The Book of Atrus

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