I would like to contribute a module to CPAN. This would be my first
contribution (other than Tk::CmdLine which was a rewrite of an existing
module). The module is called DBG. The description is as follows:
DBG implements a mechanism for embedding permanent debugging code which
can be selectively turned on at run-time. Debugging may be turned on
for all functions, or for specified functions and/or for all functions
that match specified prefixes/postfixes and/or for all functions of
objects of specified classes.
Unfortunately, NEWS is currently turned off at work and will not be
available for a few weeks. I would have liked to have posted it to
comp.lang.perl.modules and try to get some feedback there. I don't know
how to do that without having access to NEWS. DejaNews does not seem to
allow one to add attachments.
Any ideas?
I am enclosing the relevant files.
DBG.pm - the module which includes its documentation at the end.
TestDBG.pl - the test program described in the documentation.
TestDBG.dbg - the sample .dbg file from the documentation.
Any comments/suggestions would be appreciated.
Ben Pavon 310.364.9827 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Benny says "Do it right, do it once!"
package DBG; # -*-Perl-*-
#/ Module: DBG.pm
#/ Purpose:
#/ Implement a mechanism for embedding permanent debugging code which
#/ can be selectively turned on at run-time.
#/ (A rewrite of the UTLDebug module which has been around since late 1996.)
#/ Author: Ben Pavon Date: June 3, 1999.
#/ History: SEE POD
use vars qw($rcsid $VERSION $ThisModule);
$rcsid = '$Id$ ';
$VERSION = '2000.017'; # Julian date of the last update
$ThisModule = &{$ThisModule = sub { (caller())[0]; }}; # the name of this
require 5.003;
use strict;
*DBG::MAX_FLAG = \8;
@DBG::OFF_ON = (
[ split('', ('0' x $DBG::MAX_FLAG)) ],
[ split('', ('1' x $DBG::MAX_FLAG)) ]
$DBG::On = 0;
$DBG::All = 0;
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
$DBG::Stream = \*STDERR;
my %FunctionTable = ();
my %PrefixTable = ();
my @PrefixTable = ();
my %PostfixTable = ();
my @PostfixTable = ();
my %ClassTable = ();
my %Table = (
function => \%FunctionTable,
prefix => \%PrefixTable,
postfix => \%PostfixTable,
class => \%ClassTable
my $AutoFlush = sub { my $stream = select shift(@_); $| = 1; select $stream; };
#/ Define an import() function that automatically invokes the Set() function
#/ whenever this package is used by the main package.
#/ use DBG;
#/ use DBG '<ApplicationName>';
#/ use DBG '<ApplicationName>', '<DebugString>';
#/ In order to invoke Set() explicitly, use the following statement:
#/ use DBG ();
#/ and then invoke DBG::Set() when desired.
my $SetInvoked = 0;
sub import # DBG::import() # class method
return unless (scalar(caller()) eq 'main'); # only valid from main::
shift(@_); # skip the class
Set(@_) unless $SetInvoked++;
#/ Initialize the debug process for a specified application.
#/ Returns the @flag array for class 'main', function 'main::main'.
my $SetUtil = sub # private
my $name = shift(@_); # application name
my $debug = shift(@_); # debug string
#/ Check that the debug string contains only the allowable characters.
#/ Split the debug string into individual lines using ';' as the delimiter.
if ($debug =~ m|[^\w\-\+\s\:\;\./]|) # validate for security reasons
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: The debug string contains illegal
characters.\n ",
$debug, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
my @line = split(/\s*\;\s*/, $debug);
#/ If there is a single line that is a full-path directory spec,
#/ Check whether there is a file in this directory whose name is the
#/ application name and whose type is '.dbg'. Read the file if it exists.
if ((@line == 1) && ($line[0] =~ m|^/|) && (-d $line[0]))
$line[0] =~ s|([^/])$|$1/|; # add a trailing slash if it does not have
my $debugFile = $line[0] . $name . '.dbg';
unless (-f $debugFile)
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
unless (open(_DBGFile_, $debugFile))
warn $ThisModule, ': ERROR: Could not open ', $debugFile, ' :
', $!, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
@line = <_DBGFile_>;
#/ Process each debug line.
my $line;
my @argv;
my $keyword;
my $entry;
foreach $line (@line)
next if (($line =~ /^\s*$/) || ($line =~ /^\s*\#/)); # skip
blank|comment lines
$line =~ s/\#.*$//; # eliminate trailing comments
if ($line =~ m|[^\w\-\+\s\:\./]|) # validate for security reasons
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Debug line contains illegal
characters.\n ",
$line, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
@argv = split(' ', $line);
$keyword = shift(@argv);
if ($keyword eq 'file') # [ file ['fileSpec'] [append] ]
unless ((@argv <= 1) || ((@argv == 2) && ($argv[-1] eq
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Illegal FileLine\n ",
$line, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
my $open = (($argv[-1] eq 'append') ? (pop(@argv), '>>') :
my $file = shift(@argv) || ($name . '.log');
unless (open(_DBGStream_, ($open . $file)))
warn $ThisModule, ': ERROR: Could not open ', $file, '
: ', $!, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
$DBG::Stream = \*STDERR;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
$DBG::Stream = \*_DBGStream_;
elsif ($keyword eq 'all') # [ all ['flag' ...] ]
$DBG::All = 1;
if (@argv)
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
my $i; foreach $i (@argv)
unless (($i >= 0) && ($i < $DBG::MAX_FLAG))
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Illegal
AllLine\n ", $line, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
$DBG::Flag[$i] = 1;
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[1]}, '');
elsif (exists($Table{$keyword})) # [ function|prefix|postfix|class
'value' ['flag' ...] ]
unless (@argv)
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Illegal ",
"Line\n ", $line, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
$entry = shift(@argv);
if (@argv)
$Table{$keyword}->{$entry} = [ @{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]} ];
my $i; foreach $i (@argv)
unless (($i >= 0) && ($i < $DBG::MAX_FLAG))
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Illegal ",
"Line\n ", $line, "\n";
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
$Table{$keyword}->{$entry}->[$i] = 1;
$Table{$keyword}->{$entry} = [ @{$DBG::OFF_ON[1]} ];
warn $ThisModule, ": ERROR: Unrecognized line\n ", $line,
$DBG::On = 0;
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, '');
@PrefixTable = sort(keys(%PrefixTable));
@PostfixTable = sort(keys(%PostfixTable));
return Entry('main', 'main::main');
sub Set # DBG::Set([$applicationName [, $debugString]])
my $name =
((((shift(@_) || $0) =~ m/(?:^|[\/\\])\.?([\w-+]+)(?:\.[\w-+]+)?$/) &&
($1 ne '-e'))
? $1 : 'perl');
my $debug = (@_ ? shift(@_) : (exists($ENV{PERLDEBUG}) ? $ENV{PERLDEBUG} :
my @flag = ();
$DBG::On = 0;
my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++)
if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-{1,2}debug$/)
$debug = undef;
splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
$DBG::On = 1;
elsif ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^--debug=(.*)$/)
$debug = $1;
splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
unless (defined($debug))
$DBG::All = $DBG::On;
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[$DBG::All]}, '');
@flag = @DBG::Flag;
elsif ($debug !~ /\S/)
$DBG::On = 1;
$DBG::All = $DBG::On;
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[$DBG::All]}, '');
@flag = @DBG::Flag;
$DBG::On = 1;
$DBG::All = 0;
@DBG::Flag = (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[$DBG::All]}, '');
@flag = &{$SetUtil}($name, $debug);
if ($DBG::On && $flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream 'Debugging ', $name, '(', $$, ') ',
scalar(localtime()), "\n";
print $DBG::Stream ' ', $main::rcsid, "\n" if defined($main::rcsid);
my $i = 0; foreach (@INC)
print $DBG::Stream ' $INC[', $i++, "] = '", $_, "'\n";
foreach (sort(keys(%INC)))
print $DBG::Stream ' $INC{', $_, "} = '", $INC{$_}, "'\n";
my $j = 0; foreach (@ARGV)
print $DBG::Stream ' $ARGV[', $j++, "] = '", $_, "'\n";
my $type; foreach $type (qw(function prefix postfix class))
my $key; foreach $key (sort(keys(%{$Table{$type}})))
print $DBG::Stream " \$", ucfirst($type), 'Table{',
$key, '} = ',
join('', @{$Table{$type}->{$key}}), "\n";
return @flag;
#/ Set the debug flags, as appropriate, upon entering a function.
#/ Returns the applicable @flag array.
sub Entry # DBG::Entry([$object|$class [, $caller]])
my $caller = ((@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : ((caller(1))[3] || 'main'));
if ($DBG::All) # just in case someone invokes DBG::Entry() when $DBG::All is on
$DBG::Flag[-1] = $caller;
return @DBG::Flag;
return (@{$FunctionTable{$caller}}, $caller) if
my $prefix; foreach $prefix (@PrefixTable)
return (@{$PrefixTable{$prefix}}, $caller) if ($caller =~ /^$prefix/);
my $postfix; foreach $postfix (@PostfixTable)
return (@{$PostfixTable{$postfix}}, $caller) if ($caller =~
if (@_) # an object was specified
my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
return (@{$ClassTable{$class}}, $caller) if
return (@{$DBG::OFF_ON[0]}, $caller);
#/ Get the name of the calling function.
#/ Returns string <Package>::<Function> or main.
sub Caller # DBG::Caller()
return (caller(1))[3] || 'main';
#/ Print the calling stack of the calling function.
sub PrintCallStack # DBG::PrintCallStack([$prefix])
my $prefix = (@_ ? shift(@_) : '*** ');
my $i = 1;
my @caller;
my @function = ();
while (@caller = caller($i))
$caller[1] =~ s|^.*/||; # remove the directory part
push(@function, ($caller[3] . ' File: ' . $caller[1] . ' Line: ' .
my $function; foreach $function (reverse(@function))
print $DBG::Stream $prefix, $function, "\n";
$prefix .= ' ';
=head1 NAME
DBG - A mechanism for embedding permanent debugging code in Perl.
use DBG;
sub f
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry() if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '()', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_,
"'\n"; }
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 1 message\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[2])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 2 message\n";
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry() if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " before f()\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " after f()\n";
B<DBG> implements a mechanism for embedding permanent debugging code which
can be selectively turned on at run-time. Debugging may be turned on
for all functions, or for specified functions
and/or for all functions that match specified prefixes/postfixes
and/or for all functions of objects of specified classes.
=head2 Variables
B<DBG> defines a set of package variables
( $B<DBG::>C<On> $B<DBG::>C<All> @B<DBG::>C<Flag> $B<DBG::>C<Stream> )
that can be used to selectively turn on embedded debugging code.
=over 4
=item B<On> - $B<DBG::On>
Flag that denotes whether debugging is on or off.
=item B<All> - $B<DBG::All>
Flag that denotes whether all functions are being debugged.
=item B<Flag> - @B<DBG::Flag>
Array that contains a set of 8 flags (0-7) to be used to selectively turn on
the debugging code. By convention, @B<DBG::>C<Flag>[0] is only used to control
debugging code at the top of the function which prints the input arguments.
@B<DBG::>C<Flag> contains an additional element at the end.
@B<DBG::>C<Flag>[-1] is equal to the function name (<I<Package>>::<I<Function>>)
unless $B<DBG::>C<All> is true in which case it is empty.
=item B<Stream> - $B<DBG::Stream>
Output stream to be used for printing. By default, it is a reference to B<STDERR>.
It can optionally be associated with a log file.
=head2 Functions
=over 4
=item B<Entry> - B<DBG::Entry>([$I<object>|$I<class> [, $I<caller>]])
Return the debug flags to be used for the calling function.
If $B<DBG::>C<All> is true, returns the current value of @B<DBG::>C<Flag> after
$B<DBG::>C<Flag>[-1] with the name of the calling function.
Else it tries to match the calling function name with any specified
B<function>/B<prefix>/B<postfix> entries (in that order).
Else if an argument was passed in, it tries to match the derived
class name against any specified B<class> entries.
Else it returns all-off flags.
=item B<Caller> - B<DBG::Caller>()
Returns the name of the calling function or B<main> if not defined.
=item B<PrintCallStack> - B<DBG::PrintCallStack>([$I<prefix>])
Print an indented list of the calling functions to $B<DBG::>C<Stream>.
=item B<import> - B<DBG::import>($class [, $applicationName [, $debugString]])
Function that automatically invokes the B<DBG::>C<Set>() function
whenever B<DBG> is used by the B<main> package.
use DBG;
use DBG '<ApplicationName>';
use DBG '<ApplicationName>', '<DebugString>';
In order to invoke B<DBG::>C<Set>() explicitly, use the following statement:
use DBG ();
and then invoke B<DBG::>C<Set>() when desired.
=item B<Set> - B<DBG::Set>([$I<applicationName> [, $I<debugString>]])
Initialize the debug process for a specified application.
Returns the @B<DBG::>C<Flag> array to be used for B<main>.
$I<applicationName> is the name of the application to be debugged.
By default, $I<applicationName> is derived from B<$0>.
(It is set to B<perl> for an in-line script.)
$I<debugString> provides an optional mechanism for defining the debug string.
By default, it is set to $C<PERLDEBUG> if it exists or to undef if it does not.
B<DBG::>C<Set>() steps through @B<ARGV> looking for an element that matches
/^-{1,2}debug$/ or /^--debug=(.*)$/
If such an element is found, it is removed from @B<ARGV>.
In the first case, debugging is turned on for all functions, with all flags turned on.
In the second case, debugging is turned on as per the instructions in the specified
debug string. An optional way of specifying the debug string is through the use of
the $C<PERLDEBUG> environment variable.
When the debug string is empty or only contains whitespace,
debugging is turned on for all functions, with all flags turned on.
Otherwise, the debug string is split into separate lines/commands using /\s*\;\s*/
as the delimiter. If there is a single line that specifies an existing directory
(specified full-path), B<DBG::>C<Set>() looks for an <I<Application>>B<.dbg> file
in this directory. If the file exists, its contents are read in and become the debug
lines/commands to be processed (blank lines and comment lines are ignored).
Debugging is left off if the file does not exist.
Note that it is an error for the debug string to contain any character other than
( B<\w> B<\s> B<-> B<+> B<:> B<.> B</> B<;> ). Debugging is turned off on error.
=head2 Commands
The following debug commands are recognized:
=over 4
=item file ['fileSpec'] [append]
Specifies the name of a log file to be associated with $B<DBG::>C<Stream>.
If no fileSpec is specified, the default is <I<Application>>B<.log>.
The B<append> keyword specifies that the log file is to be appended to.
Example: 'file /tmp/TestDBG.log'
=item all ['flag' ...]
Specifies that debugging is to be turned on for all functions.
The flags are specified using their numbers. By default, all flags are turned on.
Example: 'all 0 1 2'
=item function 'name' ['flag' ...]
Specifies that debugging is to be turned on for the specified function.
The flags are specified using their numbers. By default, all flags are turned on.
Example: 'function TestA::new 0 1 2'
=item prefix 'value' ['flag' ...]
Specifies that debugging is to be turned on for all functions that match
the specified prefix.
The flags are specified using their numbers. By default, all flags are turned on.
Example: 'prefix TestA:: 0 1 2'
=item postfix 'value' ['flag' ...]
Specifies that debugging is to be turned on for all functions that match
the specified postfix.
The flags are specified using their numbers. By default, all flags are turned on.
Example: 'postfix ::new 0 1 2'
=item class 'name' ['flag' ...]
Specifies that debugging is to be turned on for all functions of the specified
class (functions in the class or in any of its parent classes).
The flags are specified using their numbers. By default, all flags are turned on.
Example: 'class TestB 0 1 2'
=head2 Coding
Typically when coding a function to be debugged, one includes the following
statement as the first statement in the function:
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry() if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
If debugging is turned on but not for all functions, the above statement replaces
the existing definition of @B<DBG::>C<Flag> with the flags to be used for the
current function. Otherwise, the flags in the existing definition of
@B<DBG::>C<Flag> are used.
Note that any temporary @B<DBG::>C<Flag> will revert to the previous definition
once the function goes out of scope. (This is one of the rare cases where the
author has found a use for B<local>.)
The following variations in the above theme allow debugging to be turned on based
on the class of an object:
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry($_[0]) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
which is used for functions in an OO package that are object/class methods.
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry(__PACKAGE__) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
which is used for functions in an OO package that are not object/class methods.
The following block, which is typically inserted after the above statement,
may be used to output the name of the current function together with a list of
its input arguments:
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '(<Arguments>)', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_, "'\n"; }
A variation on the above theme is:
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
DBG::PrintCallStack() if $DBG::Flag[7];
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '(<Arguments>)', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_, "'\n"; }
which also prints a list of the calling functions (but only if flag 7 is on).
Additional debugging code to be inserted in the function should be coded as follows:
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[<FlagNumber>])
=head2 Usage
Debugging is optionally turned on by entering command line option:
-debug OR --debug OR --debug='DebugString'
or by setting environment variable $C<PERLDEBUG> to the desired <I<DebugString>>.
Another possible way is by using
use DBG '<ApplicationName>', '<DebugString>';
in the main package.
For most purposes, the author just uses the command line.
For one large project that consists of multiple custom applications that are launched,
as needed, from a vendor-supplied application, the author uses the technique of setting
$C<PERLDEBUG> to the name of a directory. (This is done in the wrapper that
launches the vendor application.) Then when a custom application needs to be debugged
(e.g. when an end-user runs into a problem), one need only relaunch the custom
after creating the desired I<application>.dbg file.
=head2 A test application
The example that follows illustrates the typical usage of B<DBG>.
# TestDBG.pl
require 5.004;
package TestA;
use DBG;
sub new # TestA::new([@argv])
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry($_[0]) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '([@argv])', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_,
"'\n"; }
my $this = shift(@_);
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = [];
bless($self, $class);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " before Import()\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " after Import()\n";
return $self;
sub Import # TestA::Import([@argv])
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry($_[0]) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '([@argv])', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_,
"'\n"; }
my $self = shift(@_);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 1 message\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[2])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 2 message\n";
@{$self} = @_;
print STDOUT join(' ', @{$self}), "\n";
return $self;
package TestB;
use DBG;
use base qw(TestA);
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry($_[0]) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '()', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_,
"'\n"; }
my $self = shift(@_);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " before Export()\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " after Export()\n";
return $self;
sub Export # TestB::Export()
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry($_[0]) if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[0])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), '()', "\n";
my $i = 0; foreach (@_) { print $DBG::Stream ' $_[', $i++, "] = '", $_,
"'\n"; }
my $self = shift(@_);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 1 message\n";
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[2])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " flag 2 message\n";
print STDOUT join(' ', @{$self}), "\n";
return $self;
package main;
use DBG;
local(@DBG::Flag) = DBG::Entry() if ($DBG::On && !$DBG::All);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[1])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " before
TestB->new(qw(Hello World));
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[2])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] || DBG::Caller()), " after
=item *
Debug all functions.
perl TestDBG.pl --debug
=item *
Debug all functions using flag 0.
perl TestDBG.pl --debug='all 0'
=item *
Debug all functions in package TestA.
perl TestDBG.pl --debug='prefix TestA::'
=item *
Debug all functions for class TestB.
perl TestDBG.pl --debug='class TestB'
=item *
Debug using a B<.dbg> file while saving the output to the default log file
perl TestDBG.pl --debug=$PWD
where TestDBG.dbg resides in the current directory and contains the following:
# TestDBG.dbg
prefix main::
function TestA::Import
function TestB::Export
=head2 A special case - a function that inherits its debug flags.
The example that follows is a method taken from B<AWWidget>, an OO module that the
author wrote as a wrapper around B<Aw>, a vendor-supplied, non-OO module.
B<AWWidget::Action> encapsulates all B<Aw> function invocations.
#/ Perform an AccessWare action.
#/ (By design, this method uses the debug flags of its caller.)
#/ Returns the action output.
sub Action # AWWidget::Action($action [, @argv])
my $self = shift(@_);
my $action = shift(@_);
no strict qw(refs);
if ($DBG::On && $DBG::Flag[6])
print $DBG::Stream ($DBG::Flag[-1] ? ($DBG::Flag[-1] => ' ') : ()),
DBG::Caller(), '(',
join(', ', map({ defined($_) ? ("'" . $_ . "'") : 'undef' } $action,
@_)), ') : ';
my @output = &{'Aw::' . $action}(@_);
print $DBG::Stream '(',
join(', ', map({ defined($_) ? ("'" . $_ . "'") : 'undef' } @output)),
return (wantarray ? @output : $output[0]);
&{'Aw::' . $action}(@_);
Because B<AWWidget::Action> inherits its debug flags from its callers
'prefix AW 6'
debugs all B<Aw> invocations in the AW* classes
'class AWWindow 6'
debugs B<Aw> invocations for objects of class B<AWWindow>
(which inherits from B<AWWidget>).
=over 4
=item B<PERLDEBUG> (optional)
Specifies a debug string to be processed.
B<DBG> has only been tested/used on B<UNIX> environments.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Copyright (c) 2000 Hughes Space & Communications. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 HISTORY
=over 4
=item *
1996 Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Created as B<UTLDebug>.pm from a similar B<C> implementation.
A B<FORTRAN> incarnation of the scheme implemented by B<UTLDebug> was first seen
by the author back in the dark ages (late 1980s) when he worked on a couple of
B<CAD/CAM> systems. The author created a similar B<C> implementation some time
after that.
The B<FORTRAN> and B<C> implementations required quite a bit more coding and
were more cumbersome to use. Each function to be debugged required not only the
addition of debug code at the start of the function, but also before every
return (so that the array that kept track of the flags for every level could be
maintained properly). (Include files were used to simplify the coding.)
The B<Perl> implementation takes advantage of the fact that a variable declared
as B<local> reverts to its previous definition when the declaration goes out of
=item *
1999.06.03 Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Rewritten as B<DBG>.pm.
=item *
1999.06.10 Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Stop using FileHandle to define $DBG::Stream.
It seems that at cleanup time it is not guaranteed that the $DBG::Stream object
is around when a using function (e.g. DESTROY()) is executed.
=item *
1999.08.03 Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Add an optional append keyword to the file command.
=item *
2000.01.17 Ben Pavon E<lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>
Add the POD documentation. Stop setting $PERLDEBUG.
=head1 VERSION
Version 2000.017
# TestDBG.dbg
prefix main::
function TestA::Import
function TestB::Export