
I'd like my modules considered for inclusion into the official module
list. These modules are available at

These should go into the Networking, Device Control, and IPC section

Name           DSLI  Description                                  Info
-------------  ----  -------------------------------------------- -----
PortMaster     RdpO  Interface to Livingston PortMaster           STIGMATA
AS5200         RdpO  Interface to Cisco AS5200 dialup server      STIGMATA
HiPerARC       RdpO  Interface to 3Com TotalControl HiPerARC      STIGMATA

Please let me know whether I've supplied everything you need and if all
is in order. Many thanks!

Gregor Mosheh, B.S.
Black Angel Monolithic Juggernaut
Thalia, the hardest working 386 on the Internet!

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