Name: Jeff Goff
Homepage: None at the moment.
Preferred ID: JGOFF
  I've actually got a few things. One is a Perl/XS wrapper around the SDL
gaming library <>. The project has
someone contributing a generic non-OO shell. Mine is completely
object-oriented, and the mailing list has very little activity.
  Another project is a perl script which takes one or more SQL table
definitions and generates a perl file using CGI and DBI/DBD::Whatever that
displays a simple HTML interface letting users create/view/edit/delete
records from that table. It generates code that uses CGI or mod_perl, and
has several different paging styles to view records.
  It currently uses a proprietary template display system, but I'll either
put this up on CPAN as well or convert it to use Text::Template.

  Another project takes a compressed description of one or more perl
modules, and generates boilerplate for modules that have an inheritable
new(), custom destructors, simple accessor functions, and other skeleton
functions that handle the random 'sub foo { my ($a,$b)=shift; ... return
1; }' boilerplate, and adds several lines of generic documentation for
each function.

  I've talked about these modules primarily on EFNet #perl. I don't read
netnews terribly often, but I do watch p5p on occasion. I do have some
bugs in most of these projects to fix, but once I get them done, I'll end
up sending them to a few of the other ops on #perl for critiquing.

Thanks for the time and attention. If you have any questions, please don't
hesitate to reply.


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