On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 02:56:07PM -0800, Paul Johnston wrote:
> Hello. I'm preparing to submit some work to CPAN, but I can't figure out
> what is the best namespace for it. Please advise.
> The purpose of the module(s) is to sort a set of objects @s relative to some
> standard object $obj via comparison of known enumerated values @v for that
> attribute using a "compatibility matrix" $m.
> For example, assume I have defined a perl object which has a
> single method "sign" which always returns one of the 12 astrological signs,
> such "aries" or "taurus". Assume further that I (or another more
> 'knowledgeable' person) have defined a 12x12 matrix (graph) which defines
> the compatibility of each sign relative to each other sign. The value at
> each edge gives the attractor or detractor for that association. For
> example the edges:
> aries->aries = 100 # an aries is 'compatible' with another aries
> aries->taurus = 30 # arieses like tauruses
> taurus->aries = -40 # but the converse is not true
> would make up 3 of the 144 total edges in this matrix $m.
> The main module '' object takes an array of (with
> method 'sign') objects like (joe bob larry sue jen jill). and a matrix which
> gives the compatibility for attribute 'sign'.
> Then say I want to know who might be the best date for my friend 'Mortimer',
> another object (forget the fact that I probably want to sort on
> more than one attribute in this case). The comparator->sort($mortimer)
> gives me back an array of who might be the best date for him.
> At first I was thinking it should go under the Graph::ObjectComparator or
> something like that, but the more I realize it's not really a graph datatype
> although it uses graph 'technology'. An obvious candidate is something
> under Sort, (like Sort::Object or Sort::AttributedObject) but it's not one
> of the classic sort algorithms (that I know of) and I wonder whether it's
> too non-general to justify going under Sort.
> Another idea is something under Object, (like Object::Compare or
> Object::Comparator or Object::AttributeCompare).
> Please help!
> --Paul
> johnston-dot-p-at-worldnet-dot-att-dot-net
> # -------------------------------
> # Paul Johnston
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> # 650-378-6500 and request to be connected
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