
I'm on the way to publish a module and have to choose a name. It
implements a "length driven" IPC protocol: every message is preceded by
a fix number of bytes containing a number indicating the length of the
remaining message. E.g., if you want to send "msg" and the prefix length
is set to 4, it would send "0003msg". It's stable for about a year now.
(Some weeks ago I read that S. Srinivasan uses a similar protocol in an
"Advanced Perl Programming" example, but I found no CPAN module
implementing it.)

In addition to the basic protocol feature, my module can switch transfer
objects from ASCII to object mode and vice versa to transfer Perl data
structures (serialized via Storable) if required. Connections can be
protected by SSL on request. Finally, it enables to delay the delivery
of messages.

I suggest IPC::LDT for "length driven protocol". What do you think?


                    J. Stenzel

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