Paul Schinder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 11:35 AM -0700 12/21/99, Sean M. Burke wrote:
> >Marek Rouchal DAT CAD HW Tel 25849 wrote:
> >  >[...] By the way, why doesn't list HTML-Tree-0.61 yet?
> >
> >I was just wondering that myself.  It must be on some mirrors
> >somewhere, or noone could have gotten it yet -- but it seems to be
> >missing from others.
> >I'm going to try to emit an HTML-Tree 0.62 tonight; let's see if the
> >problem recurs.
> I've seen this before.  The problem is that Gisle had the name first, 
> so yours doesn't get indexed.  It can be solved, although I don't 
> know what the procedure is.

I think it might be that Andreas need to register Sean as trusted to
"pollute" this part of the module name space.  Is this correct, Andreas?


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