Thilo-Alexander Ginkel <> writes:

> Turns out the challenge needs to be requested via --set-fcc-lock=0,0.

Right.  Makes sense.

> Still, I can't get a valid unlock.

And those challenge input values are correct?  The firware isn't
expecting something other than 0,0?

>> Is this problem the same with the official Lenovo unlock tool and
>> scripts?
> Good question. The official beta tool does not even support my laptop model
> - but I can convince it to run by bind-mounting a supported laptop's string
> to /sys/class/dmi/id/product_family.
> Is there a way to capture the official tool's communication? AFAICS it is
> using libmbim (?) for the modem communication by calling
> mbim_message_intel_mutual_authentication_fcc_lock_set_new.
> Knowing a valid response for a given challenge would help validating the
> hashing algorithm.

If you can get the tool to use the proxy then you could simply inspect
the proxy logs, I guess.  See

Or you could hack the driver to printk the messages.


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