Hello Enrico,
I have a question regarding this - is MM actually the correct place to
implement differenty dispatcher script calls?
Wouldn't it be better to build an external application monitoring
different aspects and invoking scripts with the relevant informations?
I have found a small program that does just that [1].
This is a little more universal. It is structured similarly to the cron.
The program can be started with dbus filters and when the event comes in
the Ubus,
then a configured script is executed. I have already tried to package
this for OpenWrt.
The Source was pushed to github some time ago [2].
The only problem is that a deprecated API is used for dbus, which does
not exists anymore.
It must therefore be adapted to GLib GIO. Let's see if this is so easy!
Best regards
[1] https://wiki.maemo.org/DbusScripts
[2] https://github.com/maemo-leste/dbus-scripts