Thanks for the recommendation Frederic. I think if I get enough time I
might do some unittests and stubs for my scripts.

On Sun, Jun 18, 2023, 12:21 PM Frederic Martinsons <> wrote:

> Fit, not feed of course.
> Anyway, if it doesn't fit your needs, you may want to look at this code
> anyway and maybe tweak it to add more features.
> If you do so, please open a merge request, I'm sure there are people
> (including me of course) who are willing to see this modemanager mock
> getting better.
> Have a nice day
> Le dim. 18 juin 2023, 19:05, Frederic Martinsons <
>> a écrit :
>> Hello Fernando,
>> For testing my applications, I personally use the stub/mock from MM git
>> sources (
>> ).
>> It is aimed to mock the whole modemmanager process though (not a single
>> modem device) but maybe it can feed your needs.
>> Le mer. 14 juin 2023, 21:34, Fernando B <> a écrit :
>>> Hi all,
>>> I figure to ask in this community since most likely everyone deals with
>>> modems on a regular basis. I work with edge devices, and sometimes the LTE
>>> signal around the house is bad (wfh). We mainly use verizon and att. I have
>>> a few scripts that I need to test, I come from the full stack dev world,
>>> where we can sometimes mock (fake) certain things, so I was wondering if
>>> such a thing exists for LTE modems, a simulator or a mock device in order
>>> to streamline testing.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Fernando B.
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