On Mon, Jun 05, 2023 at 11:25:13AM +0200, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> Hey Pradeep,
> > We are using Quactel RM520N in openwrt using ModemManager(1.16) ,
> > is there any way to select or list firmware on the module using mmcli .
> > For eg: In EM74xx we can use IMPREF to select image for carrier like AT&T ,
> > Verizon etc.
> I believe there is no way to do this in Quectel modules, although I
> may be mistaken. The support in ModemManager to list and select stored

Hi Aleksander,

on the AT interface Quectel provides their vendor-specific AT+QMBNCFG
command which has similar functionality as AT!IMPREF from Sierra Wireless.
No idea whether it is also implemented for RM520N devices as I have only
used it on RM500Q devices myself.

@Pradeep: please refer to the RM520N AT command manual or
https://forums.quectel.com/ for details.


> images using QMI uses generic Qualcomm operations introduced back with
> Gobi 3K modules, but I haven't seen any other manufacturer actively
> allowing to switch full firmware images via these commands, apart from
> Sierra. Maybe ask Quectel directly, and report back what you find!
> -- 
> Aleksander

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