Thanks Aleksander! that makes sense. I'll see what I have available and work with that. I will probably just leave those stretch devices running old legacy scripts and use mm for new systems.
On Thu, May 25, 2023, 3:16 AM Aleksander Morgado <> wrote: > Hey, > > > > > I would like to compile mmcli on arm stretch. Apt package manager has > 1.6.4 however when it comes to reading the sim cards, it only reads one. I > know on Debian 11 1.18.6 does read two sim cards with no issues, but before > I go on this journey of compiling how can I tell which version was the > earliest to support dual sim, and does anyone know if one can be compiled > in debian 9? > > Dual SIM support was introduced in 1.18.0 for MBIM modems and 1.16.0 > for QMI modems. > > MM 1.18.0 requires glib2 >= 2.56.0 and gudev >= 232. > MM 1.16.0 requires glib2 >= 2.48.0 and gudev >= 147. > > Not sure what glib2 and gudev versions you have available in Debian > Stretch. > > Cheers! > > -- > Aleksander >