
> >> This is obviously an awkward point to debug anything, and it's perhaps not
> >> super important at this point, but it's pretty repeatable and has happened
> >> as long as I can remember.
> >>
> >> This is with MM 1.20.0, glib 2.70.4 and libqmi 1.32.0.
> >>
> >
> > Did this not happen with 1.18.x?
> As I mention, it's happened as long as I can recall, so probably 2 years or 
> so.
> I can't be more precise than that.  It's just something I never got quite
> around to mentioning given other more pressing issues.

If you could have it debugged a bit more, e.g. with gdb in order to
get a backtrace, that would be great. Not sure how easy that is in
your target device though.


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