> I have very little experience with all of this, I thought to use ‘pyroute2’ 
> or similar to do next command line instructions (from an app python) in order 
> to connect the operating system to the packet data connection that the modem 
> has established with the mobile phone network (it is already done using 
> libmm-glib):
> •             Getting iface access like as: sudo ip link set dev wwan0 up
> •             Setting ip address associated to the bearer: sudo ip address 
> add dev wwan0
> •             Setting the route: sudo ip route add default via 
> dev wwan0
> •             Setting the available dns...
> Is good option use ‘pyroute2’ or do you recommend another API (python based) 
> from a performance/learning perspective?

I've never personally used pyroute2, but if it's a library that lets
you run these kind of operations in an equivalent way to what iproute2
does (the "ip" command you showed), then it's probably a good thing.


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