
while trying to resolve the issue when sending SMS with specific mbim modems (https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mobile-broadband/ModemManager/-/issues/562), I see different behaviour when sending SMS depending on the modem I use:

 * When I send an SMS using a non-MBIM modem (UBlox Toby L210, RNDIS),
   the SMS is shown (using mmcli) as sent. When I then restart
   ModemManager, the SMS is no longer there. So it seems that the
   message is not stored in SIM or modem.
 * When I send an SMS using my MBIM modem (Telit LE910C1-EU), the SMS
   is shown (using mmcli) as sent. When I then restart ModemManager,
   the SMS is still there. So it seems that the message is stored
   immediately when sending (to be precise: Any attempt to send the SMS
   creates an entry in the SMS storage on this modem -- so when I have
   three attempts to send an SMS, two failed and the third succeeded, I
   have two drafts and on sent message in the storage (!?) )

Is ModemManager capable to handle both of these scenarios? It seems to me that ModemManager does not expect the second scenario, which leads to the issue when deleting messages...

(BTW: In both cases, ModemManager crashes when I try to store the message using mmcli after it has been sent).

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Salutations distinguées

Ulrich Mohr

Carl-Merz-Strass 26
76275 Ettlingen
Phone: +49 (0) 7243 5143596
Executive board: A. Stiegler, H.-J. Nitzpon
Commercial register: Mannheim, HRB 718881
Company domicile: Ettlingen

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