Hi Amol,

# wget http://speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr/files/test10Mb.db
--1970-01-04 01:06:40--  http://speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr/files/test10Mb.db
Resolving speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr... failed: Temporary failure in name
wget: unable to resolve host address 'speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr'


On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 2:52 PM Amol Lad <amol....@4rf.com> wrote:

> Please also try downloading a test file as below and see the result. Does
> it download any file at all?
> wget http://speedtest.ftp.otenet.gr/files/test10Mb.db
> *From:* Filip Kubicz <filip.kub...@tier.app>
> *Sent:* Friday, 15 July 2022 5:28 PM
> *To:* Amol Lad <amol....@4rf.com>
> *Cc:* modemmanager-devel@lists.freedesktop.org; Kamil Sroka <
> kamil.sr...@tier.app>
> *Subject:* Re: Linux system cannot use the data connection
> Hi Amol, thanks for the answer. I checked that the devices are not hitting
> the SIM data limit.
> Moreover, as I mentioned there is some small RX/TX occurring for the
> device from the operator point of view, but the "ping -I wwan0"
> does not work.
> Filip
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 1:28 PM Amol Lad <amol....@4rf.com> wrote:
> I generally run into similar situation when my SIM card runs out of money.
> Do you want to try topping-up SIM card and see if ping is successful?
> Amol
> *From:* ModemManager-devel <
> modemmanager-devel-boun...@lists.freedesktop.org> *On Behalf Of *Filip
> Kubicz
> *Sent:* Friday, 15 July 2022 4:14 PM
> *To:* modemmanager-devel@lists.freedesktop.org
> *Cc:* Kamil Sroka <kamil.sr...@tier.app>
> *Subject:* Linux system cannot use the data connection
> Hi!
> I'm using ModemManager 1.18.6 with Quectel EG21-G modem and Twilio
> SuperSIM.
> This setup works ok on multiple devices.
> However, on a few devices, I see following situation:
> · Modem registered to operator network (e.g. Vodafone UK)
> · Modem reports connected state
> · wwan0 interface has IPv4 address
> · Network provider sees no issues
> · in Network provider console you can see the device exchanges a few
> hundred kB of data every hour
> · but ping doesn’t work
> · sending data fails
> This looks strange, as if ModemManager was not aware of the data session
> that is setup, or Linux system not being able to use it.
> The simplified flow of using the modem:
> - enable modem
> - wait until it auto-registers
> - create a bearer and connect
> - when bearer obtains IP address, configure the network interface
> I attached relevant mmcli information from the device (modem, bearer) and
> debug level logs from 2 situations:
> - device stable in connected state (but ping fails)
> - modem reset - sequence of enable, register, connect -> goes into the
> same state where ping does not work.
> I also attached the commands that are used for setting up the network
> interface when a new IP address is obtained.
> What should I check, or do you know how to avoid this situation?
> Kind regards,
> Filip
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