
On Sun, Jul 3, 2022 at 2:16 AM Brendan Simon <bren...@brendansimon.com> wrote:
> Ok, so I might have to talk to Quectel to see what is going on and if there 
> are alternative options.
> I'm thinking that I'll have to bite the bullet and build ModemManager myself 
> with extra options to accept AT commands, unless I can convince the Debian 
> maintainers to add the extra option as standard.
> BTW, regarding the TS and TLVs that I've seen mentioned - are they publicly 
> available somewhere?

The AT commands references are published by 3GPP and ETSI. E.g. check
3GPP TS 27.007 at

For the QMI TLVs, I'm not sure if there is any publicly accessible
document with those defined, truth be told.


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