Thanks a lot.

I almost had to hardcode a forced ignore to all QCDIAG identified ports.
This saved a lot of time.


On Fri, 1 Jul 2022 at 17:23, Aleksander Morgado <>

> Hey Matheus,
> >
> > I'm new to ModemManager dev and I'm wondering if there is already any
> switch or feature that allows to disable any port to be used as diag port
> (qcdm).
> >
> > The reason is that I'm trying to use the diag port separately from
> another program and ModemManager is interfering with it when opening such a
> port. Or do we need to always modify udev rules for this?
> >
> > I'm using Simcom SIM8202G-2M by the way.
> >
> That behavior changed in git main branch not very long ago. See:
> With those changes in, only very specific plugins will trigger the
> port probing in QCDM, those that may really require the protocol to
> manage the modem. For all the other plugins, the QCDM ports will still
> be tagged as being QCDM, but ModemManager will not do anything with
> those, not even port probing, so you should be able to use them with a
> third party app in order to gather traces or whatever any other thing
> you need.
> --
> Aleksander


Com os melhores cumprimentos,

Matheus Eduardo

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