
> I've been told to ask this question on the modem manager mailing list. Is 
> there a way to debug the following error? I tried even to enable more logging 
> with mmcli -G DEBUG but without much success.
> $ mmcli -m 0 --simple-connect="apn=live.vodafone.com,pin=0000"
> error: couldn't connect the modem: 
> 'GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Error.MobileEquipment.Unknown: "SM 
> deactivation", 0, "No cause information available"'

If I’m not mistaken that output will come from +CEER, and it just says
the module was deactivated normally.

I wonder if we’re breaking the connection attempt at a stage that
would not require running +CEER at all. The requested debug logs would
help to know that.

> The modem seems available and enabled (mmcli -m 0 -e), the SIM Card unlocked 
> and we even tested multiple APN's. The modem also seems to work well on other 
> computers. It's a Huawei MU736. Here is the thread in case you want to see a 
> bit more of what has been tested: 
> https://community.toradex.com/t/modemmanager-on-torizon/17166/10

I've replied in the forum as well.


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