
> > The way to restrict the CID range to >= 1 would be to subclass the
> > check_format() method in the MMIfaceModem3gppProfileManager, so that
> > it returns a "min_profile_id" equal to 1. For that, you could just
> > call the "parent" check_format() method, in order to use the generic
> > +CGDCONT=? operation, but then overwrite the "min_profile_id" you get
> > there (assuming you get 0) and return 1 instead in that field.
> I believe this already happens, since +CGDCONT=? returns:
> +CGDCONT: (1-7),"IP",,,(0-3),(0-4)
> +CGDCONT: (1-7),"IPV6",,,(0-3),(0-4)
> +CGDCONT: (1-7),"IPV4V6",,,(0-3),(0-4)
> +CGDCONT: (1-7),"PPP",,,(0-3),(0-4)
> +CGDCONT: (1-7),"Non-IP",,,(0-3),(0-4)
> The stock `check_format` determines the minimum context ID to be 1, see
> the following log entry in my original email:
> <debug> [modem0] +CGDCONT format details for PDP type 'ipv4': minimum 1,
> maximum 7
> <debug> [modem0] context definition format: minimum 1, maximum 7
> However, `mm_3gpp_profile_list_find_best` only uses `min_profile_id` if
> all else fails (which is not the case for me):
> /* Otherwise, just fallback to min CID */
> mm_obj_dbg (log_object, "falling back to profile %d", min_profile_id);
> *out_reused = NULL;
> *out_overwritten = TRUE;
> return min_profile_id;
> Would the following patch break any existing code?
> diff --git a/src/mm-modem-helpers.c b/src/mm-modem-helpers.c
> index 675f3be9..cb666c0b 100644
> --- a/src/mm-modem-helpers.c
> +++ b/src/mm-modem-helpers.c
> @@ -1639,6 +1639,11 @@ mm_3gpp_profile_list_find_best (GList
>        *profile_list,
>           iter_profile_id = mm_3gpp_profile_get_profile_id (iter_profile);
> +        if (iter_profile_id < min_profile_id) {
> +            mm_obj_dbg (log_object, "skipping context at profile %d",
> iter_profile_id);

This patch makes sense I think, but please include the reason for the
skip, not just that we're skipping. E.g. something like:
"skipping context at profile %d: out of bounds"

> +            continue;
> +        }
> +
>           /* Always prefer an exact match; compare all supported fields
> except for profile id */
>           if (mm_3gpp_profile_cmp (iter_profile, requested, cmp_apn,
> cmp_flags)) {
>               mm_obj_dbg (log_object, "found exact context at profile
> %d", iter_profile_id);


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