Hi all,

On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 1:34 PM Agi Sferro <asfe...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hey Bob.
> I agree, getting an example to compile is a good first step. Unfortunately
> we don't provide a version on github, but maybe we should.
> We have an example project on github that uses Android Components which
> provides many reusable components on top of GeckoView [1]
> If you still want to build GeckoViewExample what you need to do is add a
> root build.gradle file like this one that specifies topobjdir: [2]
> change this line to refer to a released version of GeckoView: [3]
> e.g. "org.mozilla.geckoview:geckoview-nightly:78.0.20200505094621" and
> remove this line [4].

Is the goal here to allow some `settings.gradle` (that is not in
$topsrcdir) to reference `mobile/android/geckoview_example` and have that
build?  That feels possible because the changes you list can all be done
dynamically/conditionally.  The `project.ext...` bits, maybe not so much.

I'd be more interested in this if I could think of a way to have folks
fetch only GVE from, say, GH -- but that appears to be hard.  (Also hard
from hg.mozilla.org, AFAIK.)

Have I misunderstood what's desired here?

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