On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 12:49 PM Agi Sferro <asfe...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Dear GeckoView consumers,
> We're planning to have a breaking change in 75 or 76 regarding the
> WebExtension API.
> Today to set the ActionDelegate and the MessageDelegate on a GeckoSession
> the API is
> session.setWebExtensionActionDelegate
> session.setMessageDelegate
> Given the long list of delegates that we already have on GeckoSession,
> we're considering moving this to a SessionController (similar to the
> existing WebExtensionController on GeckoRuntime). The proposed new API
> would be
> session.getWebExtensionController().setActionDelegate(...)
> session.getWebExtensionController().setMessageDelegate(...)
> As part of this change we will also add a TabDelegate to the session that
> handles APIs from the WebExtension tabs API. This will also include moving
> onCloseTab API from the runtime delegate to the session delegate, which
> means you will get onCloseTab on the session directly.
> Today you do:
> class TabDelegate implements WebExtension.TabDelegate {
>      GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> onCloseTab(WebExtension, GeckoSession) {
>      }
> }
> runtime.setTabDelegate(new TabDelegate(...))
> After this change you will do
> class TabDelegate implements WebExtension.TabDelegate {
>      GeckoResult<AllowOrDeny> onCloseTab(WebExtension, GeckoSession) {
>      }
> }
> session.getWebExtensionController().setTabDelegate(new TabDelegate(...))
> Please let me know if you have any concern about this either by responding
> to this email or at https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#geckoview:mozilla.org
> The implementation for this will be done as part of
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1616625
> Thanks
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