Hey James, I'd be happy to lead a walkthrough, Q&A, or whatever you all think 
would be useful.

Some areas I'd consider showing off but defer to you all on what may be useful:

- personal workflow stuff: issues and PRs needing my attention, email 
notification filters
- issues / PRs and advanced searches (to speak to your example)
- branch protection and "process rules" for getting stuff reviewed and merged
- some lesser know community features: codeowners, issue / PR templates
- security best practices: 2FA, signed commits, org permissions

I'd also be happy to open this up to a wider FAET audience if it warrants. I'm 
thinking we could also involve folks from the FxA/Sync or Activity Streams 
teams who are also very GitHub-heavy users and may have tricks up their 

I'm sure it was mentioned but know Susheel has also tapped Sasha to walk 
through how we use waffle.io <http://waffle.io/> (kanban board integration with 
GitHub). I'm not sure when that's scheduled but may be interesting to attend 
that, too.

If a smaller audience (to start) makes best sense just let me know when the 
mobile team would be best/most available and any specific topics/questions 
you'd like discussed. :)

— Devin (dre...@mozilla.com)

> On Aug 11, 2018, at 8:16 AM, James Hugman <jhug...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hey Devin, 
> On the lockbox team, we've benefited greatly from your Github-fu.
> During the iOS Engineering meeting, a question was asked: 
> > how do you see how many PRs a reviewer has waiting for them so you can 
> > select the least busy reviewer for your PR?
> A number of solutions were offered, but Sasha noted that there were many tips 
> and tricks the mobile teams were missing, and you might be willing to give us 
> a brownbag on Github.
> Would you be willing to let us sit at your feet and learn Advanced Githubbing?
> — James

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