You may have noticed [1] "Autophone - start reduced testing to preserve device longevity" and the other activity in the Testing:Autophone component and are wondering what the future of Android testing on hardware might entail.

The current implementation using does not have a future, but that does not mean we are planning on eliminating testing on Android hardware. The goal is to move Android hardware testing into the tree while using taskcluster to handle scheduling and interfacing with Treeherder. The hope is that we will be able to utilize a device farm to scale and to make Android hardware based testing a first class member of our testing environment. In recognition of this, I have wontfixed a number of Autophone bugs that are not relevant to this future.

We have stopped running unit tests on Autophone per check in to reduce the wear and tear on the current devices. The unit tests are still available on try however.

Unfortunately, I don't have definite news regarding the future Android hardware testing, but hope to have something for you in the near future.



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