On 30-03-17 21:31, Véronique Hayen wrote:
> I’ve bought yesterday on the website Lidl.be  ( on pc), when I want to
> pay, i choose bancontact but the one with smartphone ( you take the
> smarphone and you scanned the  barcaode on the pc and it’s pay in 2
> second) but your Firefox blocked this access  with error.
> It’s very annoying because i’ve to do it manuelly with my box and to
> encode eveything.

Hello Véronique,

we still don't have enough information to understand what you are doing
or what the problem is.

What phone do you have? Android phone or iOS (Apple iPhone)?

Do I understand correctly you're using some application (which one?) to
scan a QR code? This produces a link (?), which Firefox then cannot
open? How does the link look? What error *exactly* are you getting?

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