On Fri, 23 Sep 2011, Alan Cox wrote:

> It's a very sane default because the performance difference is
> astronomical

        I disagree.  I do not see how having a thread which obtained a lock
        be the one which  releases it causes any performance change.  The same
        amount of unlocking is done.

> > #ifdef __linux__
> Far better is
> if (defined __linux__) && defined(DEBUG_MUTEXES)

        Better name would 


        linux is the only system I've encountered which doesn't use the 
        concept of thread ownership.  And it was a big pain to port a program
        written to use the 'ownerless mutex' concept to systems which did
        use that concept. 

        If the program is written to use the concept of thread ownershio (by
        turning on either DEBUG_MUTEXES or NON_PORTABLE_MUTEXES) then WHERE
        is the performance difference coming from?   Turning that option off
        would make it easy to produce non portable threaded code.

> then you can build for debug or for performance as needed with a compile
> option.

        To me it is an egregious error for a thread which did not lock a
        mutex to unlock it -that's the way it's been for as long as I can
        remember.  It has, in MY experience, always been a logic or design
        error for a thread to unlock a thread of which is it not the owner.

> Even better still for many applications is not using pthreads in the
        OK with me.    When I see the mjpegtools rewritten into whatever
        replaces pthreads I'll believe it ;)

> first place. The fundamental models pthreads use are basically
> 'everything is shared, nothing is locked unless you remember to do so'
        we have to live within the confines of the pthreads model unless
        someone volunteers to

        Wasn't trying to start a religious argument and it seems the reference
        to brain dead did push a hot button.   Was simply pointing out
        that the default behaviour of a system that many use is not as 
        portable as many would like to think.   Java -> /dev/null

        Steven Schultz

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