Hi Bernhard,

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Bernhard Praschinger
<shadowl...@utanet.at> wrote:
> Hallo
> Yong Zhang wrote:
>> This flag is a NOOP and can be removed now.
>> Signed-off-by: Yong Zhang<yong.zha...@gmail.com>
>> ---
> Thanks for the patch, but without the patch from Klaus Stengel you find here
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=27536928
> the zoran driver won't work properly on any modern Machine. A modern is a
> Linux (x64) with more than 2GB of RAM.
> I didn't hear anything from Klaus Stengel for some time, to get his patch
> into the kernel.

Sorry for my late response and thanks for your point.

But actually my patch doesn't aim to bring a broken driver to work,
and I guess zoran is not the only one which can't work any more. That
is different issue.

What I have done is just to free IRQF_DISABLED since genirq can
guarantee irqs is disabled when calling the irq handler. And there
will be no function change before/after my patch.

So if Klaus Stengel want to send a patch to make zoran driver more
robust, that would be good :)


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