
Robert Valliant wrote:
> May I ask another question?
Yes :)
> The man page for ppmtoy4m says:
>     -S mode
>             Set chroma subsampling mode.  (default:  444)
>                    444 - 4:4:4 (no subsampling)
>                420jpeg - 4:2:0 JPEG/MPEG-1, interstitial cositing
>               420mpeg2 - 4:2:0 MPEG-2, horizontal cositing
>             The subsampled modes use a lousy subsampling filter; better 
> results will be achieved  by  passing
>             the default 4:4:4 output to a scaler which supports 
> subsampling, such as y4mscaler(1).
> Yet y4mscaler is not in the mjpegtools project.

I'm nor sure any more but y4mscaler was programmed by Matthew 
Marjanovic. He did a lot for the mjpegtools project but he did never put 
y4mscaler into the mjpegtools project. So I/we did never distribute the 
y4mscaler with the mjpegtools or include it to the CVS.

> Did the ppmtoy4m '-S option' improve so that y4mscaler is no longer 
> necessary?
unlikely ;)

> Is there another reason?

If you mean not including y4mscaler. I think the program is a projects 
close to the mjpegtools. And is not included like a other tools people 
wrote you find on the mjpeg.sf.net

> I ask because I am having compile problems with y4mscaler. Sigh.....
> I should really learn what I am doing shouldn't I?
If it is just a compiling problem you can post the steps you have done 
on this mailinglist. Someone should have an idea.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

Email: shadowl...@utanet.at
www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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