Hej Jeff!

Do you know if there is a MJPEG simulator ?
what we want to do:
1) vary the frame rate and determine the quality
2) vary the pixel density and determine the quality
3) vary the number of lost pixels and determine the quality

Where quality is determine by some person watching the simulated video feed.

Do you know if there is anything out there like this?


I don't think that is easily possible, at least not without coding yourself. You can try to trick mplayer into this, maybe by converting some other video stuff (check out its plethora of options), but I don't think that mjpegtools have all the tools to vary the parameters that you would like to manipulate. But I've added the MJPEGTools' Userlist, maybe there is someone that has more practical suggestions than me. :-)


On 3/12/10, Gernot Ziegler <g...@geofront.eu> wrote:

Try to feed it to mplayer - if mplayer can´t play it, then mjpegtools won´t
be able to read it, either. MJPEG video is very badly specified, it can mean
anything... and the container format (in this case: .smd) must be readable
by the player.

The video management server we are using stores the data into .smd files...
So, I'm not sure what format the whole thing is in.
from the camera it is MJPEG.

On 3/12/10, Gernot Ziegler <g...@geofront.eu> wrote:

Hej Jeff,

Yes, it is rather hard to detect broken frames. In which data format is
your MJPEG video stored?

If you can program yourself, then you could of course list frames with
internal API of mjpegtools. I guess the format movtar could also show you
that - but I doubt that it is still supported by mjpegtools.

Otherwise, maybe playing bakc the file with mplayer shows which frames
missing ...

 I came across your web page on MPEG files and such...

good stuff!
 I was wondering if there is a piece of open source software or source
code that will allow one to scan
a series of MJPEG images (file)
and determine if there are missing frames?
(based on the timestamp?)

I don't know. lavrec from the mjpegtools insert (replicates) frames on
fly while recording when one frame was "lost". So there is no need
afterwards to check for lost frames. You notice lost frames on the

I don't know of other programs. I never had a lost frame with the
by now.


GPU. 3D Vision. Europe. Future. Now.
Drop by: www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~gziegler - www.geofront.eu


GPU. 3D Vision. Europe. Future. Now.
Drop by: www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~gziegler - www.geofront.eu


GPU. 3D Vision. Europe. Future. Now.
Drop by: www.mpi-sb.mpg.de/~gziegler - www.geofront.eu
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