> The command you use looks ok to me. One thing you can try
> is adding the 
> input device using the LAV_VIDEO_DEV environment
> variables.

I have tried that.  The result is always the same.
> > lavrec -v 2 --software-encoding --use-read
> --audio-bitsize 16 \
>  > -audio-bitrate 48000 --geometry 640x480 --format q
> --input n \
> > file.qt INFO: [lavrec]
> ....
> > --DEBUG: [lavrec] Starting software encoding thread
> --DEBUG: [lavrec]
> > Queueing frame 0 --DEBUG: [lavrec] Encoding thread:
> sleeping for new
> > frames (waiting for frame 2) **ERROR: [lavrec] Error
> queuing buffers:
> > Device or resource busy
> What I remember is that recording from a bttv device only
> works if no 
> other process (like bttv) is using the card. So pleas turn
> off all 
> TV-Viewing program that might run.

There have never been any other processes accessing the capture cards when I've 
tried using lavrec.

> Have you tired other inputs ? (n/N/T)

I have tried all the options for input.  I've also tried playing with quality, 
decimation, geometry, audio options, 32 bit, 64 bit, precompiled binaries, 
compiled from source, single core cpu, multicore cpu, crappy motherboard 
chipsets (VIA), better motherboard chipsets (AMD), acpi on, acpi off, apic 
enabled, apic disabled, reserved memory, no reserved memory, etc.  The result 
is always the same: for the WinTV the device is busy; for the DC30+ the zoran 
driver spits out errors.  Am I just cursed?

- Peter


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