On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 16:04 +1000, Richard Archer wrote:
> At 3:41 PM +0200 3/6/09, Hervé wrote:
> >hello, I'm not developper but it could not be a buffer concern? (it's
> >just an idea)
> Following this hint, I doubled the buffer sizes allocated
> by y4mstabilizer and it now works! I have no idea how much
> overkill this solution is... for all I know it may have
> been an off-by-one error. But this patch (below) got it
> working for me.

I don't know if it's the same issue, but several years ago I was getting
segfaults with y4mstabilizer that seemed related to how big the
correction shift was (how far the image wandered in the frame).  I think
only very large shifts caused problems (my video was handheld while
running.)  I lost interest before I could track the bug down, but I
always assumed that it was inadvertently addressing outside the buffer
in that case.


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