On Sat, 24 Jan 2009, Christian Ebert wrote:

> > The changes are most definitely NOT recent.  The changes date back...
> When the logging output was changed?

        April 1, 2007.  'cvs log' says:

date: 2007/04/01 18:06:06;  author: sms00;  state: Exp;  lines: +12 -2
LOG_* is used NOWHERE except internal to mjpeg_logging.  A new routine was
defined to map strings ("info") to log level_t

        The LOG_* defines were causing conflicts - seems many projects (and
        the syslog daemon) all want to define LOG_*.   To me the sensible thing
        to do was use strings rather than '#define' values.  

> ... extra FLAGS because I have not everyting in /usr/local, it built fine.

        One of the benefits of integrating y4mscaler into mjpegtools would
        be easy of building - no extra FLAGS or Makefile editing.

> Thank you very much.

        You're welcome.  

        Steven Schultz

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