On Sun, 25 May 2008, Christian Ebert wrote:

> Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I do have mpeg2enc installed
> and libmpeg2encpp.dylib in /usr/local/lib, only not latest CVS as
> quantisation is broken. In fact I mainly need mpeg2enc, and all
> distributions after 1.9.0rc1 do not work correctly.

> So I tried compiling yuvafps against 1.9.0rc1 and also against
> mjpegtools as of 2007-02-20 (last working mpeg2enc) but I still
> get the error I mentioned.

        On OSX:

pkg-config --libs mjpegtools


-L/usr/local/lib -lmjpegutils -lmpeg2encpp  

        So you can either use 

            `pkg-config --libs mjpegtools'

        or manually add:

            -L/usr/local/lib -lmjpegutils -lmpeg2encpp  

        to the linking command. 

        If neither works then there is something wrong with the mjpegtools

        Steven Schultz

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