On Thu, 2008-02-21 at 18:14 -0800, Florin Andrei wrote:
> I'll make another DVD soon and then I'll know for sure. But the cause is 
> definitely one of the toolchain components, at this moment it's likely 
> mpeg2enc.

I've never seen any problem like you described with mjpegtools an I've
used them for 3 or 4 years now. A year ago, almost exactly I believe, a
problem with mpeg2enc over compressing video started. Not long ago it
looked like the problem was fixed. I guess not though.

I tried DVD author long ago an never cared much for it. 

The way I make DVDs from older VHS tapes, Beta tapes and video from
satellite TV is by capturing them with dvgrab using a Canopus ADVC-110.
I edit the capture with Kino. Then I use mjpegtools, smilutils and
y4mscaler to process the video into an m2v file. To author the DVD, I
use DVD Lab Pro on a windoze machine because it's rather difficult to
use DVD Lab Pro under Wine. DVD Lab Pro completely blows DVD author away
as a DVD authoring tool too. Through all these tools, I've never
seen/heard a stuttering problem. Until the recent fix an then it broke
again?, the over compression problem is the only problem I've seen with


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