
>> I have my new MAC beside me, and cpuinfo from the uitls directory tells 
>       Congratulations!
Thanks, but a bit late ;)
>> I have Suse 10.3 installed in a virtual machine on the OSX and there 
>> /proc/cpu tells me that I have:
>> cpu family 6
>> model 23
>> stepping 8
>       That's interesting.  23 would seem to be more reasonable than 7
And more realistic.

2nd mail, yes I have been offline for some time.
>> > Does anyone know how I change the cpuinfo program so I get the correct 
>> > value for the model ?
>       I have checked in  a change to cpuinfo.c  
>       The problem was that the family/cputype field is only 4 bits wide, so
>       for cputypes greater than 15 it is necessary to use the "extended
>       family info" field.
Oh, I have tested it an now it finds the hopefully correct options. The 
-march -mtune option are now nocona :)
according to the gcc manpage that com

>       I can't test this since I don't have my 8core system yet.
You just need to spend some money ... ;)

>       Updating the cpuinfo.sh script to use the new values returned by
>       cpuinfo needs to be done yet - but I think you can handle that ;)
According to the gcc manpage that comes with the gcc on OSX 10.5 nocona 
is still the best choice. So I don't need to change it.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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