On Sun, 3 Feb 2008, Andrew Stevens wrote:

> Christian, quantisation up to 60 almost certainly a Bug someplace.   Can you 
> put a section of your source video someplace online so I can download 
> reproduce the problem reliably?

        I saw something similar last night.  The encoding would be going
        along with effective 'q' around 5 or so and then zoom up to 30 or 40
        for a little while and then go back down.  This would happen at 
        apparently random intervals thru the encoding process.

> Examples ... I need examples (no longer have a dumb analog capture card or 
> JPEG capture cared).
        If ~1.5GB of NTSC-DV data would be useful to you let me know and
        I'll put it up for FTP for you.  I think you might want something a
        little more than a few seconds for testing (to see the rise/fall

        I think it would be possible to manufacture examples - decode one of
        your DVDs and then re-encode it.

        Steven Schultz

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