I have also dealt with this issue.  If your source is playable with
mplayer/mencoder and you have the hard drive space, I have found the
following to at least let many more programs use the video.

mencoder -forceidx -ovc copy -oac copy -o new.avi source.avi

Basically, this will leave the audio and video alone and build a new
container (avi) around them with a proper index.  I think the original
Pinnacle software just concatenated a new avi header to the output stream
for every GB of data (and very few programs will read a file like that).

If your version of mplayer/mencoder won't read the file, try a different
(perhaps older) version.  For myself, the newest version that I've found
that will read old files like yours is 1.0pre8.

I hope this helps.
- Peter

--- Martin Samuelsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 5 Jan 2008 18:04:09 -0300
> Dennis Naerebout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I do have a set of recorded MJPEG files recorded 7 years ago on
> windows98 with
> > pinnacle studio and a DC10plus  The files play fine with gstreamer
> only no other
> > program seems to play them including lavplay.
> Ouch. I've been through something similar; some recording software will
> produce really crappy files.
> > I checked the header of both files and found them quite a bit
> different. I tried to
> > edit some parts to see if it made any difference but no luck so far.
> Lavplay
> > always stops with the following error: **ERROR: [lavplay] Error
> opening file.avi
> Yeah, you can't edit those blindly and get away with it. :) How much
> work are you willing to put into this? You could always try to correct
> the files manually, by checking and rechecking what should be where,
> and put it there. The RIFF format (also known as "avi", but that's just
> a special case) is pretty simple.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIFF
> > Is there any way I can convert the files so they will be playable in
> linux.
> > I am intending to use them for editing in cinelerra.
> Not even mplayer is able to play them? With any luck, it's just a
> matter of inserting a better FourCC in the header.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FourCC
> The FourCC used by lavrec is MJPG.
> /Sam
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