* Steven M. Schultz on Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 20:34:09 -0800
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2008, Christian Ebert wrote:
>> But I'd like to decode with lav2yuv, but it segfaults here on dv movs
> Works fine here - BUT I have seen the problem you mentioned earlier
> (symptom is that 'twos' audio isn't recognized as valid).

$ qtinfo test.mov
Type: Quicktime
  1 audio tracks.
    2 channels, 16 bits, sample rate 48000, length 481920 samples, compressor 
    Sample format: 16 bit signed.
    Channel setup: Not available
    Language: eng
  1 video tracks.
    720x576, depth 24
    rate 25.000000 [25:1] constant
    length 251 frames
    compressor dvcp.
    Native colormodel:  YUV 4:2:0 planar
    Interlace mode:     Bottom field first
    Chroma placement: PAL DV
    Pixel aspect ratio: 59:54
  0 text tracks.
>> What configure options do give to libquicktime? I'm asking as
>> you're on a Mac as well, even though I still have 10.4.
> ./configure --enable-gpl

same here

> (need that to include ffmpeg's libavcodec as I recall)

so dv decoding would actually be done with ffmpeg's libavcodec?

> You may have a corrupt or outdated .libquicktime_codecs in your
> home directory.  Try removing it and then running any program 
> linked to libquicktime.  If .libquicktime_codecs IS recreated then
> things are setup/installed correctly and you shouldn't have any
> problems.  

unfortunately they persist.

> If .libquicktime_codecs is NOT recreated

it /is/ created.

> or is empty then libquicktime can't find the *.so files
> (loadable modules/plugins) for the codecs.
> ls  /usr/local/lib/libquicktime
> lqt_audiocodec.la     lqt_ffmpeg.so           lqt_rtjpeg.la
> lqt_audiocodec.so     lqt_lame.la             lqt_rtjpeg.so
> lqt_dv.la             lqt_lame.so             lqt_videocodec.la
> lqt_dv.so             lqt_mjpeg.la            lqt_videocodec.so
> lqt_faac.la           lqt_mjpeg.so            lqt_vorbis.la
> lqt_faac.so           lqt_opendivx.la         lqt_vorbis.so
> lqt_faad2.la          lqt_opendivx.so         lqt_x264.la
> lqt_faad2.so          lqt_png.la              lqt_x264.so
> lqt_ffmpeg.la         lqt_png.so

same here.

> If you still have problems the libquicktime-devel list is probably 
> a better place to carry on the conversation.

will do.

>> There's an Apple compressor for mpeg2?
> And 3gpp, H.264, AC3, MPEG-1, AAC, MPEG-4 and a bunch of others I'd
> have to lookup.  "Compressor" (I'm only at Compressor2, not having
> upgraded to 3) is Apple's compression engine frontend.  It's not
> sold separately but only as part of the Final Cut Studio bundle 
> (a bit pricey but a fair value for the amount of software and 
> documentation you get).

can't afford that atm.

thanks a lot.

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