> I'm having trouble running lavrec, copy of the script I am using is below:

> lavrec --format=a --input=p --quality=80 --decimation=2 raw.avi
> Unfortunately it does not work - the output I get is:
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Unable to set negative priority for audio thread.
> ++ WARN: [lavrec] Pthread Real-time scheduling for audio thread could not be 
> enabled.
> **ERROR: [lavrec] Error getting video parameters: Invalid argument
> **ERROR: [lavrec] Something went wrong while setting up the card
> Any ideas?  Just to note for reference, streamer from xawtv seems to work, so 
> I would not think it was a v4l issue.  Albeit I'm having issues that it uses 
> far too much disk space when saving to raw video and I'm having issues when 
> it saves to a compressed format with it maxing the CPU and eventually 
> failing.
 From my guess you use a bttv based card ?
If you use a bttv based card, you need to use a command like that:
lavrec -f a -i p -g 352x288 -q 80 -R l --software-encoding test.avi

The important things for a bttv card are the -g and --software-encoding 
options. You might encounter problems with the audio, for testing 
purposes you can disable it with -a 0.
The -i option works different on a bttv based card. -i p means the 1st 
Bt8x8 input. Take a look at the lavrec for more info.

streamer can also create mjpeg encoded AVI's.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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