
er0ck wrote:
> i have what is supposedly a short mjpeg that i downloaded from one of my 
> IP cameras.
> i want to split up the frames into individual jpgs.   lavtrans gives:
> $> lavtrans -o image%05d.jpg -f i 20071203_205830.mjpeg
> Unable to identify file (not a supported format - avi, quicktime).
> **ERROR: [lavtrans] Error opening 20071203_205830.mjpeg
> lavplay does the same.  
The mjpegtools can only handle mjpeg encoded AVI and Quicktime direct.

> i just want to split up the frames so i can digi-zoom/crop and "enhance" 
> each frame (it's only about 120 frames)
> i need this to be automated as it's going to happen every 60 mins or so
> do i have to cram that into an avi container?
AVI ist a container format for different audio and video formats. 
Burkhard has told you most things.

Have you taken a closer look at the mplayer -vo jpeg option ?

What do you want to to with the jpeg files afterwards ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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