On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, E Chalaron wrote:

> Thanks a lot Steven.
> I have actually remove the -X 308 it does not work either.

        You mean remove the '-v308'?  That's what you were using and I know
        that was incorrect.

        -X, and I was not correct earlier, does not take an argument.

        What -X does is enable the 10bit variant.  By default 4:4:4 uses
        the 8bit 'v308' codec.  If you want the 'v410' codec for 10bit
        4:4:4 then you use a simple '-X'.

> just y4mtoqt -o file.mov

        That defaults to 'v308' for 4:4:4 and '2vuy' for 4:2:2.

> Just a syntax thing it seems, but the warning is a bit confusing
        '-v' isn't a valid option so the program gave a usage() summary
        and exited.  not a lot more that can be done (well, suggest that
        folks don't use invalid options ;))

        Steven Schultz

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